A Turks and Caicos Islands Government official announced that Salt Cay is the first island to be fully opened due to its outstanding uptake of the Covid-19 vaccine. All of the island’s residents with the exception of three persons have been inoculated against the Coronavirus.
The announcement was made by the Hon. E. Jay Saunders, Minister of Health and Deputy Premier during his post Cabinet press conference on May 20. Saunders said that 66 people in Salt Cay have been inoculated for the Coronavirus, which is just about everyone. This vaccine uptake, he said, puts the island of Salt Cay out of the hot zone.
The Health Minister added that Turks and Caicos will need a fourth batch of vaccines through Public Health England in order to hit the target percentage.
“We are now looking at the phased reopening of the economy and I’ve asked the PS of Health to prepare a paper for next cabinet. I’ve said that once we get to 70 percent we will fully reopen the economy. As you can see with Salt Cay, some islands are doing better than others and we are going to start off by opening up Salt Cay,” said Saunders.
Ironically, the sleepy community of Salt Cay is now the only island in the TCI which is OPEN; no face covering requirement, no more curfews or restrictions on businesses, churches, weddings, funerals or the school when it comes to capacity, social gatherings are permitted and business hours are no longer capped at 10 pm and you can stay out as late as you’d like on Salt Cay.
“So the Cabinet yesterday (May 19) approved amendments to the Public and Environmental Health regulations for Salt Cay and we are opening up Salt Cay. And as of Monday (May 24), Salt Cay is fully open and not only is Salt Cay open to its residents, Salt Cay is open for business, particularly those who are vaccinated. If you go to Salt Cay, and you’re fully vaccinated you don’t have to worry about Covid protocols,” informed Hon E. Jay Saunders.
Visitors to Salt Cay, who are un-vaccinated, will have to wear a face covering said the Deputy Premier.
With a population of under 70 people, the tiny island of Salt Cay never recorded a case of the coronavirus.
Parrot Cay was the first island in the Turks and Caicos to have all of its residents fully vaccinated.