What is Legal Aid?
Everyone has the right to get legal representation, but some simply cannot afford it. Legal aid is a scheme to help meet the costs of legal advice, family mediation and representation in a court of law. In order to qualify for legal aid, the case has to be eligible for it, the problem has to be serious and you have to prove that you are unable to pay the cost for legal representation. Some of the cases that one can get legal aid for include the risk of abuse or serious harm, being accused of a crime, being discriminated against …
What are the legal issues around NFTs?
The sale of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has exploded during the COVID-19 pandemic and is dominating the news lately, but are there any legal issues surrounding the phenomenon? Artists, collectors, investors, and businesses have all been scrambling to capitalise on the potential of NFTs and fully understand how the market works. With NFT sales now running into billions, the market faces issues such as copyright, intellectual property rights, anti-money laundering regulations and estate planning. In February, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs said three people had been arrested on suspicion of attempting to defraud it of £1.4 million, making it the first …
What is a Queen’s Counsel
A Queen’s Counsel (QC) is a very senior attorney at law who is recognized as an expert and leader in the legal field. Across the United Kingdom, including British commonwealth countries, it refers to a set of barristers and solicitors who the monarch appoints to be a part of Her Majesty’s Counsel learned in the law. To attain this status, a barrister must have practiced law for at least ten years and be recommended by the Lord Chancellor. Being appointed as Queen’s Counsel perceived as an excellent honor to achieve in the legal profession. Once conferred upon, a Queen’s Counsel …
What you need to know to bring a personal injury claim
Personal injury is something that happens from time to time and it is something that you may be able to make a claim for. We have put together an outline of what you need to know in order to bring a personal injury claim. …
Why Bother with a Written Contract?
Business-people are frequently frustrated by the unnecessary restrictions that lawyers seem to want to introduce. They think (possibly rightly) that if they were more attuned to business matters the lawyers would be business entrepreneurs themselves. Why is it necessary, a business-person might ask, after having gone to all the trouble of negotiating the deal, and sealing it over a good lunch, to go to the trouble and expense of putting into writing what had just been agreed. And on those occasions when everything goes smoothly they would be right to ask the question. It is, however, different when trouble develops. …
Conflicted Attorneys in Turks and Caicos
In small jurisdictions such as the Turks & Caicos Islands, or small-town America, Ireland or the United Kingdom, it is not uncommon for clients to move from one firm of attorneys to another. The question frequently arises whether the former client can prevent his former attorneys from acting against him. The conventional, instinctive response is that an attorney can almost never act against a former client. That instinctive response is almost always wrong. The relevant principles were considered by the House of Lords in Bolikah. The court noted that there was no continuing legally enforceable obligation of loyalty on the …
Turks and Caicos Introduces Public Order Bill
The Turks and Caicos Public Order Bill seeks to introduce a series of public order offences, and a clamp down on, amongst other things, the sending of offensive messages and dissemination of false information. Two offences are created in the Bill with the stated aim of prohibiting people from the use of, for example, threatening, abusive or insulting words, signs or behaviour intended to cause that other person (i) to believe that immediate violence is going to be used against him or somebody else (Section 3); (ii) to be harassed, alarmed or distressed (Section 4). The violence also includes violent …
Turks and Caicos Introduces Public Order Bill
The Turks and Caicos Public Order Bill seeks to introduce a series of public order offences, and a clamp down on, amongst other things, the sending of offensive messages and dissemination of false information. Two offences are created in the Bill with the stated aim of prohibiting people from the use of, for example, threatening, abusive or insulting words, signs or behaviour intended to cause that other person (i) to believe that immediate violence is going to be used against him or somebody else (Section 3); (ii) to be harassed, alarmed or distressed (Section 4). The violence also includes violent …
The Difference Between a Solicitor and a Barrister
A lawyer is anyone who could give legal advice. So, this term encompasses Solicitors, Barristers, and legal executives. In the United Kingdom, a solicitor is a type of lawyer who provides legal advice and representation to clients. Solicitors typically handle a wide range of legal matters, such as drafting contracts, providing advice on legal issues, and representing clients in court. A barrister, on the other hand, is a type of lawyer who specializes in representing clients in court. Barristers are typically self-employed and are often called upon by solicitors to provide legal representation for their clients in more complex or …